Law school is ALMOST OVER!!

Jim has his LAST class tomorrow night!!!!

I can tell he is jumping out of his skin, as am I. He actually said to me this morning, "Shaz, should we have a party when I'm done with school?"  (In other words -- "Shaz, throw me a party when I'm done with school"). Whichever way he approached it, he definitely deserves a monstrous party. For his birthday last year, I rented a boat for a few hours and we went out in the marina with about 10 friends.  It was so fun. I could tell he loved it. Maybe we can do something like that again...or maybe we just have a huge party here at our place. We'll see...stay tuned for that decision to be made.

Today I am still in the process of cooking up everything in my fridge. I was craving hash browns, and since I had a couple sweet potatoes in the fridge, I decided to make sweet potato hash browns with scrambled eggs...and whatever else we had. They were AMAZING. They certainly are a must-try, if you have the patience to grate a few of the sweet potatoes. Totally worth it.

Here's how it went down.

I had two sweet potatoes and needed to wash, peel and grate them.  I took out the necessary items in order to make the smallest mess possible. In addition to the items pictured, I also used some sea salt, fresh ground pepper, onion, olive oil and flour.

Jim helped me towards the end, because the grating was extremely tiring. But like I said, it was worth it. These things were scrumptious. After we finished grating, I placed the pile in the colander to rinse off all the orange juices. Once the water ran clear, I then squeezed out all the water.  Here's the before shot:

And after rinsing/squeezing. You can tell it's just a little less orange at this point:

I transferred the grated potatoes to a bowl, and added some minced onion, flour, sea salt and fresh ground pepper.  I mixed it around with a fork to get it mixed real well.

After mixing, I separated my large pile into four smaller (even sized) piles to then transfer to the sauté pan. I borrowed this trick from Rachel Ray. She always says to do this when making burgers, so you have even sized burgers and not three nice sized ones and then a tiny kids-size burg.

I placed a decent amount of olive oil into the sauté pan (feel free to use coconut oil) and waited for it to become REAL hot. You can test this by dropping a tiny bit of sweet potato in the pan to see if it sizzles. Once it sizzles, you are ready to go.

After firming up the little piles one by one, I then placed them in the pan. It sounded perfect! I let them cook for about 5 minutes on the first side (careful not to burn the bottom) and then flatted them with my spatula, and flipped. I cooked them on the other side for another 5-7 minutes so that the inside was cooked thoroughly.

I decided to make some scrambled eggs with American cheese while my little hash browns were finishing up. Here's a pic of my simple scrambled eggs with cheese, pre-cooked:

And here's my finished brunch....with an extra crispy turkey bacon slice on the side!  It was so filling. We both loved having a different side with our eggs.

Here is our kitchen table where we ate our brunch this afternoon. :)  I needed to light a candle because the neighbors below us were smoking cigarettes and the smell was making me ill.

Thanks again for joining me for breakfast/ seems to be a fav of mine. Happy Thanksgiving WEEK!! hehe :)



  1. Is this how you got the crab cake idea??

  2. No! Not at all - I actually completely forgot about this recipe. These were AWESOME!


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