Another Thanksgiving in the Books! 2017

After we get home from the Cape, I like to take a few minutes and look at all the photos and videos from the few days we spend down there for Thanksgiving. It's usually a whirlwind - lots of packing, traveling, unpacking, handling life with three toddlers, all the while trying to catch up with family and have a few minutes to ourselves. Nonetheless, we have a good time. Here are a few highlights - and check out my instagram video "shazbythesea"....I love making those compilation videos! And in case you are interested, here is a recap from our 2016 Thanksgiving . For those who don't know, Jim's side of the family usually goes down to the Cape for Thanksgiving. They've been doing it for about 20 years. I personally love it. I started going in 2008 when Jim and I got engaged - and I think it's an awesome tradition fun for Conor, Caden, and Cal to experience. We typically arrive in our house and get settled. I try and make most of the sides/appetize...