
Showing posts from June, 2014

Shaz Parenting Must-Haves

Two blog posts in one week?! I sure am one lucky Mom to have such great babies. I want to mention and thank the mothers in my new neighborhood that have brought us meals these last few days. In fact, one Mom made a meal schedule to designate a new person to make us a meal. The schedule has set up Mon, Wed and Fri for the next few weeks. How amazing is that?! It is one less thing for me to have to worry about, so I can focus more on Conor and Caden. It's unbelievable and I cannot express my gratitude enough. I was talking to Chrissy recently and she asked about a few of my favorite baby items - like which swing we had or what types of bottles we used. Some of our friends are pregnant, so she suggested I put together a list of my "new mom must-haves". These items are not specific to twins or anything, I have just found them to be helpful in our everyday lives. Here are the things I couldn't live without as a new mom. I will start out with the obvious - diapers. As ...

Happy JUNE!!

I can't believe yesterday was June 1st. 2014 is flying's already half over. That can only mean one thing....our favorite week of the year is right around the corner!!! In fact, just yesterday Jim and I were solidifying our Cape Cod Fourth of July plans.  We head down the Cape each Independence Day with a pretty solid group of friends. We take part in beach festivities, BBQing, fireworks and flunkyball. If you have to ask what flunkyball is...well, here's a quick screenshot from 2012. This year will be our eighth annual Fourth of July and we couldn't be more excited to share the fun with Conor and Caden. Jimmy and I have said time and time again that we don't want our lifestyle to change or change who we are because we have children. This was some great advice given to me by Kiley a few years ago. She and her husband Ryan were so good about hanging out, going to happy hour, getting mani/pedis and even throwing some epic parties of their own (pig roast,...