
Showing posts from November, 2020

First Non-Cape Cod Thanksgiving

This was our first year not in the Cape for Thanksgiving. It made me very sad! We love going there for Thanksgiving; it’s definitely a tradition. Check out my post from Thanksgiving 2017   It’s so fun to reread those memories and look back at how little the boys were. We didn’t go for obvious reasons, plus Cal was sick on Friday so we wanted him to stay home so we could go back to the doctor if needed.  19lb turkey.  We brined it, and stuffed it and it cooked for over 4 hours.    Found the boys making a fort of my closet We painted the kitchen yesterday. Finally got rid of that gross pea soup color. Good lord that was awful.  I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Enjoy the weekend. Although it feels like Sunday, it’s Saturday!! xo, Shaz  P.S This was Thanksgiving in Cape Cod 2011 - when we first bought the Cape house. Look at the bare walls! Haha  And the day after Thanksgiving 5 years ago ... Woburn does this cute Christmas festival on th...

Thanksgiving Prep. Thanks Barbie!

This is a quick post. Just sharing what my mom and I made together today.  Some things not pictured.  We started off by brining the turkey. This is the first year I’ve done it. I submerged the turkey and added salt, sugar, rosemary, thyme, parsley, chives, onion, orange, lemon,  I also made some sausages to add to my stuffing tomorrow. I’m just going to make a stove top and add some things like cranberries, celery, and sausage. My mom made TWO apple pies and a pumpkin pie. She killed it today. I am stealing this recipe from my friend Lauren. It’s Brussels with EVOO, sea salt, and brown sugar.  Spinach artichoke dip on the bottom left - pies and squashes above that.  Garlic mashed potatoes with onion  My view currently while writing this blog lol Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! xo, Shaz 

So Very Thankful

This is a unique post.  It is a “what I am thankful for” post but a list of memories, not the typical family, friends, favorite things. I am   always   thankful for my family – Jim, Conor, Caden, and Cal. I am SO lucky, I know that. As each year goes on, I feel luckier and luckier. My kids are so fun, loving, caring, healthy, smart, observant, thoughtful, and determined beings. They are becoming more and more independent and I am so proud of them. (I’ll likely say that 6 more times.)  Count how many times I say “thankful” - haha.  I am of course continuously thankful for my parents and Jim’s parents. After living away for many years, we both feel so fortunate to live in MA and see them all so frequently. I think sometimes it takes living away to appreciate family. Our parents have thankfully been a massive help during this pandemic – we wouldn’t have survived a day without any of them. They have helped in a pinch, stayed overnight, picked up the boys at school, ...