
Showing posts from November, 2016

Patriots Game, Cal FOUR months, and Thanksgiving Recap

Boy am I behind on my blogging. I am going to try and catch up a bit. To start, here's a recent pic of me and my boys. We've had a decent amount of rain lately - so this is what it looks like when they want to go outside and splash in the puddles. Probably about 30 minutes of getting ready for 5 minutes outside lol. We hosted a Patriots game with my Callahan cousins a few weeks ago - my cousin John made the most amazing eggplant, Jessie made an awesome ground beef/salsa/queso dip, Jen/Nick made a delicious chili, and Taylor made a fantastic arugula/strawberry sangria. We had tons of food! All the kiddos loved playing together - it was a fun (but busy!) get together. Cal is four months old!!  He is doing fabulous. He weighed 16.3 lbs and was 27 inches long. When Conor and Caden were four months, they were 14 and 12 lbs and were both 24 inches long. Cal is a big healthy boy!! We converted the boys cribs into their toddler beds - so it's been a lit...

Planning a Trip to the Aquarium?

I highly recommend it. Not only is it one of the best aquariums in the country, it is also very easy to get to and navigate throughout - especially with three kids and two strollers. We found street parking, although there are several parking garages around (none operated by the aquarium specifically). Jim also got tickets from work - but you can buy them online, or purchase an annual membership pass. We had a blast! We saw starfish, stingray, octopus and lots and lots of fishies. There were several hands-on activities that captured the boys attention, as well as an outdoor sea lion exhibit. From there, you could catch a glimpse of the Hyatt in Boston where we got married! See it way back there? The boys kept saying "more fishies!". It was a great morning. Then of course we walked throughout the North End and grabbed some cannolis for dessert later. ;) Time for a snack and a trip to the North End. :) All for now! Enjoy your Satur...

A Message to My Fellow Moms....

Wow. Where have the last 4 months gone? I feel like each day is such a struggle - yet looking back, the last 4 months have absolutely flown by. I will be honest and say that it has been HARD. There are have been many highlights and fun moments, but it certainly hasn't been a walk in the park. From recovering from childbirth, to Jim traveling for work, and striving to work through the boys' speech delays - we are taking it one day at a time. Here I am pregnant with Cal on Keyes Beach in Cape Cod just a week before giving birth. And Cal at 4 months old on Keyes Beach this past weekend. I wanted to write a little bit about my struggles as a mom of three, especially since I am home with them every day. Social media tends to portray the smiling faces, clean hands, matching outfits, and perfect moments. However, we moms know that it couldn't be any further from our everyday lives - besides the matching outfits - that does happen everyday. ;) Haha. When the joyful and...