Patriots Game, Cal FOUR months, and Thanksgiving Recap

Boy am I behind on my blogging. I am going to try and catch up a bit. To start, here's a recent pic of me and my boys. We've had a decent amount of rain lately - so this is what it looks like when they want to go outside and splash in the puddles. Probably about 30 minutes of getting ready for 5 minutes outside lol.

We hosted a Patriots game with my Callahan cousins a few weeks ago - my cousin John made the most amazing eggplant, Jessie made an awesome ground beef/salsa/queso dip, Jen/Nick made a delicious chili, and Taylor made a fantastic arugula/strawberry sangria. We had tons of food! All the kiddos loved playing together - it was a fun (but busy!) get together.

Cal is four months old!!  He is doing fabulous. He weighed 16.3 lbs and was 27 inches long. When Conor and Caden were four months, they were 14 and 12 lbs and were both 24 inches long. Cal is a big healthy boy!!

We converted the boys cribs into their toddler beds - so it's been a little insane. I used to have my evenings starting around 7PM to blog, make/eat dinner, and enjoy a glass of wine. That's changed a little bit now that they have some freedom. They often run around and play up there together until almost 8:30PM. It depends whether or not they nap that day - but things certainly have changed. They are getting better each night...

Then we got ready for Thanksgiving by making these adorable turkey crafts my friend Katie P got for the boys. There were 12 in the box so we can make them again next year! Caden left, Conor right.

We drove down to Cape Cod Thanksgiving morning. Since we just converted their beds, we wanted to keep them on track by having them sleep in them a few nights in a row. They of course have twin beds in the Cape, so it's pretty similar - but we wanted to ensure they had a good night sleep and were happy Thanksgiving Day!

This little table was perfect for Caden and Conor for their meal. They were adorable.

This is the boys' room in the Cape. I was laying down with all three boys in one of the twin beds the morning after Thanksgiving haha.

Cal! Jim's Aunt Trish made Cal this adorable little hat.

We are gearing up for Christmas already. We started decorating the house a little bit - although we are waiting til Saturday to get our Christmas Tree. All of Conor and Caden's Aunts and Uncles (aka me and Jim's siblings) are coming over Saturday night for a new tradition we are calling "Tree Lighting". We will all decorate the tree, have festive cocktails, listen to Christmas music, set up the boys train, and watch the Polar Express. I think it will be a fun new tradition!

Last weekend, we took the boys to Woburn's "Festival on the Common". Here we were walking around, feeding the animals, and getting ready to meet Santa. Conor was so excited, he fell asleep.

And just life with three little boys.......:)

We just got them a new train table and set....they LOVE it (especially Caden!).

All for now! I hope everyone enjoys the upcoming Christmas Season!



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