
Showing posts from September, 2019

A Summer to Remember

I had such a memorable summer. As I mentioned in my previous post, there was a lot going on. I was SO fortunate to spend a lot of time with my boys - and we went down to Cape Cod as much as possible. This is a long overdue "goodbye summer" post - but better late than never.  This year, we tried something new and decided to drive Jim's truck onto Sandy Neck Beach in Barnstable County. We have the beach sticker for the beach already, but we had to get an additional sticker in order to drive on - in addition to the sticker, we needed a few essentials like a tire gauge, a 3/4 in piece of wood, chains, a shovel, and a few other things. It made life so much easier having the truck ON the beach and not having to walk to a parking lot to get things for the kids. The first day we went there, we brought a smokey Joe to the beach and had a little BBQ. It was so much fun and I loved doing something new down in the Cape. Sometimes I forget Cal is [now] only 3.  At...

It Takes a Village...

Happy FALL everyone!  I am ready to move on with a new season. I had an emotional summer with the birth of my first nephew and lots of other highs, as well as a few lows. Before moving on, I want to send my condolences to my sister in law Lindsey and her entire family for the loss of Lindsey, Kelly, and Matt's Dad, Don .  He was a wonderful man and my heart breaks for them. He was an amazing Dad, Husband and proud Papa. We are so fortunate he was able to meet baby Charlie. My prayers are with all of you.  Moreover, I want to wish both my parents a very happy birthday. It is a hard time to celebrate, but I wanted to express my gratitude and appreciation for them a little extra this year for so many reasons. As I said, it was a very trying year - there was a ton going on. Not only am I grateful for my parents, but I am also thankful for my husband, my sister Chrissy, Lindsey (her whole family), and my in laws as well as many many friends who have helped and suppo...