
Showing posts from June, 2016

9+ Month Pregnancy Update!

I realized it's time for another pregnancy update! I haven't written one since the beginning of my third trimester here in this post . Current belly pic, car style selfie. I have been trying to stay active, while still trying to "rest" -- which is a tough balance. I walk often during my work day and also recently started prenatal yoga. I've only gone to a couple classes but I really love it. Again, I  could be stretching more, but at least I have kept up with some physical activity.  Cravings: I have a serious sweet tooth (not just pregnant - that's me in real life), so I have been eating a lot of ice cream, dark chocolate and fruit …mostly watermelon and any kind of fresh berries. I have also been eating bananas as I feel the potassium helps with swelling and leg cramps (haven't had those in a few weeks now thank goodness). Weight gain:  I am at the point where I now go to the doctor on a weekly basis. This week I go on Thursday. Last wee...

Quality Family (Cape) Time!

To piggy back off my last post about the Cape, here are some of the other things we did over the weekend other than just spend time at the beach. Trying to squeeze in as much family time while we still have two kids. Things are surely going to change a ton in the coming weeks.. We read lots of BOOKS! Boy do we love to read (and point at everything in the book!). The Children's Room at the Hyannis Library is awesome. We didn't make it there this trip, but there are so many activities for the boys, in addition to lots of books and DVDs we can take home on a rainy day. We will for sure be visiting the Hyannis Library next week during our family vacation. Mom's belly is a great armrest these days... Conor and Caden love outside. It's one of their favorite things to do. Here they are hanging by their Great Grammy's side yard. The WHOLE space and this is how they play. haha. Jim's Dad just had a big pine tree taken down right here - so I am sure C and C...

Cape Cod BEACH time!

Conor and Caden seriously love the beach and the sand and the ocean. They are so calm and play together really nicely. We brought them to the beach on Saturday and again on Sunday and they had a blast. I mean, is he not having the time of his life?! We also thought it was time to pull out their little toddler beach chairs. I love that they are covers on them - especially since they don't always keep their hats on. It's nice to give their heads a little breathing break. Trying to see the airplanes! It's so bright! When we brought them down to the water, they started out holding Jim's hands. They couldn't wait to run right in...especially Conor. Then we switched. I got overwhelmed quickly lol. On Sunday, I brought them to the beach by myself while Jim was building our new shed for the Cape house.  There were only a few minor issues with kids running into the parking lot and down to the water - but considering I am the size of...

Boston Common Trip

Short and sweet post...since I am home with the boys today and don't have much time to write. I wanted to document the boys trip to Boston Common the other night. I needed to pick up Jim from Boston, so I figured I would bring the boys in since it was a beautiful night. I left worked, picked up the boys, and drove back into the city. They loved the drive, seeing some firetrucks and ambulances, and watching everyone and everything around them. When we arrived at the common, they LOVED listening to the music, while enjoying some snacks / mini picnic out on the Common. I got some great pics of them enjoying the scene. My friend Joe got these adorable Hermosa Beach t shirts for the boys for their birthdays. It says "Future Surf Dude - Hermosa Beach, CA". I love love love them. We miss the Cali life, so these are perfect. Thank you! Then we of course stopped at Papas another night last week. He filled up my old wagon with water so the boys were drenched. Noth...

SURPRISE Baby Shower for Baby C!!

If you've been following shazbythesea for a little while now, you know we are expecting a third baby sometime within the next month. My due date is the end of July, but I am getting really big - the baby is actually measuring a few days a head. The doctor said he/she is already about 6 lbs!  I can't believe I will soon have another one of these. :) I set up this baby bookie betting pool that my friend Abby did when awaiting the arrival of her son, Tripp. your bets people! It is open until July 10th.  In preparation of Baby C, we of course put the nursery together - which is really my guest bedroom with a crib and changing table (the boys old changing table/dresser). I also gathered and washed all their old newborn to 6 month clothes, swaddles, blankets, bibs, burp cloths, pacifiers, etc. Those items have been out and ready for a while. However recently, I completed the daunting task of going...