SURPRISE Baby Shower for Baby C!!

If you've been following shazbythesea for a little while now, you know we are expecting a third baby sometime within the next month. My due date is the end of July, but I am getting really big - the baby is actually measuring a few days ahead. The doctor said he/she is already about 6 lbs! I can't believe I will soon have another one of these. :)

I set up this baby bookie betting pool that my friend Abby did when awaiting the arrival of her son, Tripp. your bets people! It is open until July 10th. 

In preparation of Baby C, we of course put the nursery together - which is really my guest bedroom with a crib and changing table (the boys old changing table/dresser). I also gathered and washed all their old newborn to 6 month clothes, swaddles, blankets, bibs, burp cloths, pacifiers, etc. Those items have been out and ready for a while. However recently, I completed the daunting task of going through and cleaning all the twins baby bottles. I know I won't need this many, and in fact I am so looking forward to needing half the stuff I did with two babies, but needless to say, I am relieved this task is over. I also cleaned and set up both of my breast pumps - one of the main floor, and one upstairs in the nursery. I had two last time and felt it really helped.

Also, I have some of the most thoughtful friends and coworkers ever. They threw myself and my coworker Tarah a joint SURPRISE baby shower a few weeks ago. It was so shocking, I couldn't even handle it. It is not often that I am surprised, so it took a bit for me to settle. They told me we were going to a girls lunch in the North End - but instead, a bunch of ladies were gathered with pizza and drinks and gifts. It was so unbelievably thoughtful. I am so happy to have some new things for Baby C! Thank you so much -- especially to social media coworkers and friends Kristin, Fallon, Lindsey, Alex, Ashlyn, Jess, Bea, Kelli, Jen, and Milady. I am sorry if I forgot you...I know way more of you were there. THANK YOU!!!!

Feeling super blessed and grateful...and ready now more than ever! YAY!!

All for now,


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