YouTube STARS!
Haha the title is a little bit of an exaggeration, but I wanted to post some videos of Conor and Caden now that they are playing together and dancing and laughing and having fun! my blog website doesn't work well for videos, so I started uploading a few on YouTube so you can watch Conor and Caden interact. Here's the YouTube site: And here are a few pics of how we are spending our days lately...Caden loves crawling and standing using everything in sight (sometimes even using Conor for assistance). Conor is crawling all over too - but not standing yet. They are both so interactive and adventurous...they're into everything! We even love using the rocking chair...haha. I took this pic one night while we were waiting for Jim to get home from work. They were a little fussy and nothing was helping - so I placed them in this chair one at a time and then together. It worked! Conor and Caden spending some time...