
Showing posts from April, 2017

Easter 2017 Highlights

Here are a few pics from the day. We had a little Easter egg hunt at our house in the morning. We saw some footsteps that the Easter Bunny left - and searched for some eggs! Then we played outside and had a little photoshoot. We then ventured over to Grammy and Papa's house (my parents) - who also live in Woburn. Jim's Mom and brother Joe were able to make it over for the day, too. It was great. Despite the boys being sick yet again, they had SO much fun. Caden giving Cal a hug...  Con giving Cal a hug... My mean muggin Cal. My Dad being hilarious, decided to hide two eggs for me and Jimbo to find. He said we had the whole day to look, but of course Jim and I went after it like 5 year olds. Mine was blue and Jim's was pink - and I found both!! One had a $50 bill and the other had a $1 bill. Guess which one I got? Woof. I hope you all had a great Easter. Congratulations to e...

Easter Fun 2017!

We saw TWO Easter Bunnies this year! Just yesterday, Jim and I took the boys to 3rd Ave in Burlington for a free Easter event. There were free photos with the Easter Bunny (Cal and I are to the right - but it wasn't pretty, so I cropped us out lol). The stores at 3rd Ave were participating in giving out candy to the kids, so it felt a little like trick or treating. In fact, Conor and Caden were saying "trick or treat" to get their candy. It was kind of hilarious. Easter 2017 3rd Ave, Burlington, MA And a few days ago, my Dad and I scooped up the boys from daycare early to visit the Easter Bunny at the Woburn Mall. It is always super quiet there (no line for Santa either). So we go there for pics since they are still so little. Conor loved that he was PINK!! OR she? Easter 2017 - Woburn Mall This was them as we approached the Bunny! And after the photo was done... We then took my grandmother, the kiddos, and Zeta for a walk around my...

Potty Training & Spring Weather!

BIG NEWS: We are potty training!  This is big because I currently have three kids in diapers - WOOF. I honestly wasn't going to even attempt it until the boys turned 3, but I think they have an interest due to pre-school. Their teacher says that each time someone in the class goes has to go to the bathroom, all the kids go as a class.  Anyway, sometimes in the evenings, I strip the boys of their diapers and we "sit on the potty" to see what happens. Caden went into the bathroom and closed the door. Jim went into the bathroom about 10 minutes later and turns out, he peed! Then he did it again, and a third time in the upstairs bathroom. That was Monday. He has done it a few more times in the evenings before bath time. When I talked to the boys teacher, she said the Conor had peed on the potty at school. I am sure he will start going at home too - especially when he sees Caden doing it. I'm not sure what the next step is - but we are well on our way! How exciti...