Summer Weekends - Keeping the Boys Busy!
Conor and Caden are on the go constantly, and it's hard to come up with ideas to keep them busy -- especially with a newborn...and especially when it's raining. I often look up different activities either at the Woburn or Hyannis libraries, local farms/zoos in the area, or I even try and find new parks nearby. Recently, I have been using the facebook "events nearby" which shows various events in the area that may be child-friendly. One of my favorite local parks is Simonds Park in Burlington because they have the playground separated by different age groups. However, since it's raining today, it has been difficult to keep them entertained. We watched Frozen for the first time, and we actually enjoyed it quite a bit. SUNDAY : In the morning, I took Cal to Woburn Pediatrics (we are dealing with a gas/reflux issue currently - hoping it isn't a milk allergy like Caden). And Jim brought the boys to BJs to get diapers, toilet paper, and a few other thing...