Shaz Newborn Must Haves! Part 2

I don't know if many of you remember, but when the boys were about a month old, I published my new parent must-haves. They weren't specific to twins or anything, but I felt it necessary to update that post now that I am on baby #3. :)

  • I will start out with the obvious - diapers. As a new parent, I had no idea which was I asked around. People had many different preferences, but both Jim and I love "Pampers Swaddlers". We find the swaddlers fit best and have minimal leaks. We also like the "wet diaper indicator" line that turns from yellow to blue. So yup, PAMPERS. Big fan. Hospitals #1 choice, too. Here's Cal the night he was born...
  • Swaddleme Brand Swaddles. Hands down the best swaddles for nighttime. I have written about these about a hundred times. SO moving on...

  • Scent free dish soap. I like to clean each bottle by hand (I know, I am crazy) with this natural scent free dish soap. It allows me to soak, clean, rinse, and dry the bottles/nipples fast and they are ready for the next feeding in no time - much quicker than a dishwasher.
  • A baby swing. This is essential. It is a saving grace - not somewhere to have your baby all day long. It is nice ouse during the day, or while Jim and I are eating dinner. We also have the same brand name little bouncer seat which I bring outside on the deck sometimes. Here's Conor and Caden using the bouncer seat and swing.

  • Changing pad liners. These protect the changing pad and changing pad cover. We opted for these waterproof pads. They work great, and they are easier to wash than your changing pad (or cover). 
  • Electronic breast pump. When I first wrote about my new parent must haves, I was a pumping/nursing novice. I didn't know what I was doing so I didn't even blog about it. I lasted about 3 months with the boys. It was very hard with two. I had my Ameda pump (covered by insurance) and I rented a hospital grade pump. This time around, I have resumed nursing/pumping with Cal. I received a second free breast pump through my insurance, and also still have the one from when the boys were born. I highly recommend two stations - and two changing stations. That way, you don't need to move around a lot while you are recovering.
  • Muslin swaddle receiving blankets. The Aiden and Anais brand are wonderful. They are great on the go - they are versatile. They can be used to change a baby, swaddle a baby, protect from the sun, act as a nursing cover, or even be used as a burp cloth. Definitely register for several of these.

  • Baby Wrap. I have this grey belephant brand baby wrap and I love it. I had the baby bjorns with the twins - but I think those are better used for a baby who is a little older and has a bit more head control (personally speaking only). This baby wrap is great for newborns, as well as toddlers. There are different ways to tie it.  

I know this list is really similar to my "must haves" post from 2014 - but it really is like riding a bike. A lot of the same items came to mind, and some new ones like the baby wrap since I couldn't wear both babies last time. 

I also want to reiterate having a little "changing station" on each floor. I typically use an old pampers box and fill it with about 20 diapers, wipes, burp cloths, a changing pad liner to protect your couch, and a change of clothes or two. That way, I can stay on the same floor as the baby. It's really convenient.

All for now!



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