I want to start this post off by celebrating the accomplishments of the Supreme Court on June 26, 2015 . They ruled that gay marriage is now a constitutional right. That means that marriage is now legal for EVERYONE nationwide...something that should have happened years ago, but it happened and it's great. #lovewins Here are a few fun fav pics of Caden and Conor this past week! They are finally feeling healthy and happy again. And most importantly, sleeping fully through the night. ;) Mama is feeling a bit more human now that we are all getting more sleep. I thought they may have had ear infections or bronchitis, but the doctor said they were ALL GOOD! Great news. We found the boys a swingset on craigslist and my Dad is sanding and staining it. Thanks GRAMPA!!!! :):):) We were originally going to bring it down to Cape Cod, but now we think it might be better to keep it at our primary house - whenever we buy one. :) Ha, look at Cay reaching for Con. We love ...