Little Ones on Little Beach!

What a fantastic weekend we had on Cape Cod. We had the most beautiful weather! Mid 70s and sunny...perfect beach weather. Look at my little lifeguards!

The boys were much healthier than last weekend during the triathlon, but they do have a cold right now. They are getting used to all the germs at daycare. Their little noses were so runny all weekend. I thought maybe they had some allergies, but this morning when they woke I could definitely tell they have a cold. I have every other Monday off, so thankfully I'm here with them today.

Here's a fun recap of our weekend at the beach! We were lucky enough to visit a few beaches in both Hyannis and Dennis. They liked it a lot. We are getting them used to it for the summer ahead. Conor LOVED the water and Caden was a little unsure what to make of it. They are so different. Caden is usually a bit more adventurous so I thought for sure he would love it. But as they always keep me on my toes, it was CONOR who loved it!!! He couldn't get enough of the waves hitting his little toes. :)

Daddy with the boys, and Mommy with the boys!

We took a few family walks around the neighborhood. They absolutely love being outside and it's where they are the happiest (and subsequently the quietest). ;)

The boys were SO tired after such a long, fun weekend! Cant wait til we go down to Cape Cod again soon.

We were even able to do a bunch of yard work and have dinner at Jim's parents house. Not a minute to rest...we had so much to do, so much fun!

Til next time,

PS Flashback pic of my bridal shower (again) from Cape Cod five years ago!


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