
Showing posts from November, 2018

Another Thanksgiving in Cape Cod!

As I mentioned in last year's Thanksgiving post , I love to get home from Cape Cod and look at all the pics from the few days we spend down there. It is usually such a whirlwind, so I don't really look at them while we are down there. We had a lot of fun this year, but of course it was very busy. The kids did a great job and loved being in the Cape. My parents, the boys and I drove down there on Thursday morning, but Jim went down after work Wednesday night. He got the house in order which allowed us to get there Thursday and start cooking and prepping for Thanksgiving.  Speaking of prepping, my mom and I made a few pies and lots of side dishes Wednesday night. We packed up the boys and had everything ready to go Thursday morning. I made a few pumpkin pies which is super easy. It consists of a can of pumpkin, a can of evaporated milk, sugar,  eggs, and spices. I mixed together the dry ingredients first - the sugar, cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg. Then mixed in the pumpkin ...

Fun Friday Dinners in "Frautumn"...And SNOW?!?!

Katie and I made such a fun fall dinner tonight. We highly recommend you make it some time this weekend! Lots of protein and veggies - so yum. Here are the ingredients:  acorn or buttercup squash, orange, vegetable broth, hamburg (90% lean), wild rice, almonds, cranberries, feta cheese, garlic, salt/pepper/EVOO/crushed red pepper. We baked a buttercup squash and then sliced it in half and took out the seeds. While that was baking, we sauteed some hamburg with onion and boiled some wild rice. After the hamburg was done cooking, we tossed in some cranberries and sliced almonds. We added a bit of garlic, garlic salt, salt, pepper, and crushed red pepper. When all of it was done, we filled each squash half with the rice/hamburg mixture. Then we topped it with feta cheese! We had quite the surprise snow fall last night, huh?? Woburn had a two hour delay this morning, which meant no morning preschool. Instead, we helped Jimbo plow the driveway and the boys played i...