Another Thanksgiving in Cape Cod!

As I mentioned in last year's Thanksgiving post, I love to get home from Cape Cod and look at all the pics from the few days we spend down there. It is usually such a whirlwind, so I don't really look at them while we are down there. We had a lot of fun this year, but of course it was very busy. The kids did a great job and loved being in the Cape.

My parents, the boys and I drove down there on Thursday morning, but Jim went down after work Wednesday night. He got the house in order which allowed us to get there Thursday and start cooking and prepping for Thanksgiving.  Speaking of prepping, my mom and I made a few pies and lots of side dishes Wednesday night. We packed up the boys and had everything ready to go Thursday morning.

I made a few pumpkin pies which is super easy. It consists of a can of pumpkin, a can of evaporated milk, sugar,  eggs, and spices. I mixed together the dry ingredients first - the sugar, cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg. Then mixed in the pumpkin to that. On the side, in a separate bowl, I whisked together two eggs. I added that to the mixture and then added the evaporated milk. I mixed all together and poured it in to the pie crust. I baked at 400 for 20 min and then 35 min at 350.  My mom also made two apple pies and two blueberry pies, which are just as easy except for the peeling and slicing the apples. Those pies are pictured below.

We then made a few veggie sides like sweet potato/rosemary, a few squashes and a side of roasted carrots. They were all simple and consisted of peeling, dicing, EVOO, salt, pepper, and bake til soft.

One of the things the kids love to do is swim at my parents hotel while we are down there. It is funny because when Jim was a kid, he would go to Cape Cod for Thanksgiving and stay in a local hotel with all his cousins and go swimming. Since then, his parents and other family have houses down there so it has changed a little. But now, since my parents have come down for Thanksgiving the last two years, the kids go swimming and have a BALL. They love swimming. And this year, Cal was much more independent in the pool than last year - and we were much more prepared than last year.

My friend Katie came down on Friday and went swimming with the boys both Fri and Sat! The kids absolutely adore her - as I have mentioned in previous posts. Cal was giving us a run for our money, but it all seemed to work out OK. Hahahaha....

Finally - Thanksgiving beverages and dinner!!

We of course got settled down the Cape and poured some mimosas!

Annual leaf raking tradition - this year, Caden and Conor helped in destroying the leaf piles. They sure had fun out there. For such a frigid day, they loved playing outside with Mark, Jim and Uncle Joe!

We decorate some turkey cookies as we waited for dinner! It was way harder than I anticipated, but it was a fun activity for the boys.

Cal, Caden, and Conor's Thanksgiving dinner table!

And the adult Thanksgiving dinner table. I believe the menu consisted of cheddar/broccoli soup, cornbread/pumpkin muffins, turkey, squash, sweet potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, corn, cranberry sauce, and boiled onions! My mom grew up with my Grandmother making these boiled onions. They are SO easy. You literally peel the onion and boil it to prep it. Then add them to a roasting dish prior to serving with a little butter, salt, and pepper. They are such a great addition to any meal. Everything was delicious. Thanks to my in-laws, Irene and Tom for hosting!

Now it wouldn't be a trip to Cape Cod if we didn't make it to the beach!

That's all for now! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!



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