Conor, Caden, and Callie...again!
First off -- Happy (Belated) National Dog Day to my Zeta!! Even though you jumped on Caden and knocked him over yesterday, we still love you. Jim and I had a few special visitors this weekend - my cousin Jen, her husband Nick and their two kids, Patrick and Callie, as well as my Uncle/Godfather John (my Dad's brother and Jen's Dad). They were on their way to my cousin John's hockey game and came by our place beforehand. We tried having all the kids do "touchdown" but Patrick was the only one who pulled it off. Good job Patrick! Patrick and Callie were "so excited" haha look at Cal. Love this pic. Then we all had a goldfish party.... Conor and Caden LOVED eating Callie's goldfish off the floor. Haha they were in heaven. Callie is wondering what is happening to all her goldfish. Here's a serious #tbt to my Uncle John (top, center) and my Dad (on the right) with their siblings at what I am assuming is their hou...