August - New Phelan Things!

I know I keep talking about it, but we love our new house. The space is wonderful, the newness is fantastic, our neighbors are friendly (and have 5 children!) and we love hosting -- so it's the perfect house for us. We are hoping to have our housewarming party sometime this fall. My sister suggested we do a "fall themed" party housewarming. So stay tuned.

Here's Conor and Caden playing on the neighbor's swingset. We also had the boys on the trampoline and boy was that hilarious. The neighbor's have a Connor  too (with two "Ns") and he's 2 years old! I feel like they will all be good friends when they are in school together.

Conor eating his breakfast on Saturday morning..on our old kitchen table. We just bought a new one at Jordan's Furniture over the weekend. Check it out below!

And Caden eating his breakfast...I thought this picture was HILARIOUS. Look at their faces!! Haha

Daddy bought a new lawnmower and used it for the first time this weekend. The lawn really needed to be cut and it looks great.

The boys loved watching him. They were amazed.

Here's the new table! We bought it with two end chairs, two middle chairs and a long bench. We also purchased a couple extra chairs so we don't always have to use the bench. We'll see if we dig that idea.

And another view... We still need to put together four more chairs and the bench that goes along the side. I'll post another pic when it's done.

I put some dried hydrangeas from the front yard in my living room and bathroom. My Aunt Joyce always dries out her hydrangeas and I love them. I've always said that I wanted to do it too. Plus, I think it's such a nice, easy (and free!) decoration. I did some research on how to dry them out and remove the bugs.  It's pretty simple.

Now I am going to indulge in some french toast with the boys! That's what Sundays are for, right? Happy lazy Sunday everyone. ;)

Shaz, C and C


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