Concerts, Cleaning, Caden, & Conor.....

What a whirlwind life has been lately. We have done so much with the house these last few weeks -- from cleaning surfaces and rugs, installing blinds, laying out furniture to my Dad painting two whole bedrooms upstairs. The place is really coming together. Oh, and on top of all that, Jim and I are working full time and raising two happy little toddlers. It's been a breeze. ;)

To recap, I went to see Zac Brown Band at FENWAY on Saturday night with my cousin Jessica. She is on air at 101.7 The Bull - Boston's new hit country station during the day. We went to the ZBB "eat and greet" where the whole band served us dinner during the open bar. I mean -- seriously???? So cool. Then we had the most amazing floor seats. I felt like we were steps in front of Zac. Oh, and I was able to see my friend Abby!! She was sitting in the section right next to us. We were A3, Row 15 and she was A4, Row funny!

My phone died shortly into the concert, but here's a few favs from the ZBB concert (& dinner!)...

Miss Jackie came to visit us on Monday....what a fun day! The boys were SO excited to see her. They were a little cautious at first, but I swear as soon as she opened her mouth - the boys knew they knew her. It was so cute seeing them together again! Thanks for the fun visit.

 Here are a few fuzzy Sunday morning wake-up pics. They make me smile -- so here you go. :)


And I mean - who doesn't have dinner with Daniel Tiger these days?? I must say, the boys have been doing great in their high chairs. A few weeks/months ago, all they did was fuss and stand up and throw tantrums when we put them in there, so I opted to feed them in the backyard or the den. But now, they are doing good! And when Daniel is having dinner with us, I feel like everyone is on their best behavior. ;)

Daddio getting the boys ready for "school" this morning. They love their new much space for them to run around and navigate through rooms on their own. I'm sure the newness will wear off soon, but for now we are enjoying it.

Speaking of new, what do you guys think of my new bathroom mirror? There are so many closets in the bathrooms, that I opted for a random stylish mirror - as opposed to the vanity/medicine cabinets you can buy at Lowe's. I didn't need to storage space and I thought the colors went nicely with the wall color. Plus I love how long it is!


Next time I blog, hopefully all the furniture will be in the house and I can post some "completed room" shots! Fingers crossed.


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