Slowly but Surely....

The boys have made some serious growth progress over the last two weeks. To me, they are interacting more both with each other and with MAMA! It comes at a perfect time, now that I am going back to work full time this week (waaahhhh).

They are super cute with their waving, high fiving, curiosity and desire to learn. They love to walk (still assisted), 'swim' in their little pool, and giggle at the doggies. They also made the transition to regular whole milk two days ago, and that seems to be going great. No complaints over here. Happy proud Mommy. :)

Here are a couple summery pics. We loved feeling the watermelon and seeing all the little "pools" of watermelon juice floating around. We were splashing and having fun!

Once we were all cleaned up, we went on a long walk. We picked flowers, watched the cars drive by, and saw tons of other doggies. 

Bath time! I only got a picture of Conor. I usually wash them in the tub together, but I thought this was so cute. And they LOVED looking outside in the yard.

Look at them; they are really two peas in a pod! They love each other and they love Daniel Tiger! Haha thanks Katie P! Photobomb of Grampa on the couch...hahahaha.

Happy Summer everyone. Enjoy the nice weather and the chance to be OUTSIDE. Conor and Caden love hearing all the noises and watching the cars, bikes, and motorcycles drive by. Such entertainment at age ONE.


PS. Congratulations to my cousin Michael and all the other Class of 2015 graduates! Here are a few flashback photos to 2007 when I graduated from Endicott College. Feels like yesterday.


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