Happy Father's Day!!

Happy Father's Day to my Dad, my husband, my Father in Law and my Grandfathers...and all the other wonderful Dads out there!!

Being a parent is definitely not easy, and having multiples hasn't been a piece of cake either. Jim has been the most amazing Dad to Conor and Caden this past year. We are the luckiest. Daddy is so fun and the boys beam with excitement when he gets home from work each night. They are so thrilled to see him. Here are a couple favorite pics of Jim and the boys....and also a few highlight pics of the boys with my Dad, Jim's Dad, and my Grampa Hancock.

We love DADDY!!!

Here's Jim and the boys at 1 month and then 4.5 months...Conor left, Caden right in both pics.

Here's a pic when Gramps met the boys last summer. Both baby B's are on the left! And Conor and Daddy are on the right.

Grampa and C Squared last month in Woburn. Who's who? ;)

Gramps and C-Squared on the Cape Memorial Day Weekend 2015.

Mommy's Grampa Hancock ("GG") with Conor last September. I sometimes see a little bit of my Grampa's face in Conor. It's cute (even when he was just hours old in the hospital).

I hope everyone has a great weekend....and if you're golfing, stay dry out there!


P.S. Flashback photo to Grampa Callahan with Conor [presumably] over Father's Day weekend last year, 2014.


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