Summer Weekends - Keeping the Boys Busy!

Conor and Caden are on the go constantly, and it's hard to come up with ideas to keep them busy -- especially with a newborn...and especially when it's raining.

I often look up different activities either at the Woburn or Hyannis libraries, local farms/zoos in the area, or I even try and find new parks nearby. Recently, I have been using the facebook "events nearby" which shows various events in the area that may be child-friendly. One of my favorite local parks is Simonds Park in Burlington because they have the playground separated by different age groups. However, since it's raining today, it has been difficult to keep them entertained. We watched Frozen for the first time, and we actually enjoyed it quite a bit.


In the morning, I took Cal to Woburn Pediatrics (we are dealing with a gas/reflux issue currently - hoping it isn't a milk allergy like Caden). And Jim brought the boys to BJs to get diapers, toilet paper, and a few other things.

Here is how the rest of the day has gone...

We took some baths. The boys watched Cal.

We "fed" the baby...

We had some water... 


We played on the swings; and our new thing is grabbing the rings while swinging...

We had a little family photo shoot earlier in the day on Saturday. My sister and mom gave me this photo session for Mother's Day. So we coordinated outfits and had some fun with the pics in the backyard. I absolutely loved the boys outfits - white linen shorts and seersucker shorts. I bought them at Primark in Boston at a great price too. Thank you to my friend Kristin for Cal's "Little Bro Est. 2016" shirt. :)


Conor and Caden made "fireworks" at school on Friday. Their daycare teacher is so creative with the crafts they do each day. They love doing them. Caden lefty, Conor righty.

And then here's my sister, mom and cousin Jodie spending time with Cal. :)

All for now...more on the reflux/gas issue when I make some sense of it. There is a lot of tummy trouble and discomfort and I feel really bad for him. Once we narrow it down, I will give some feedback on where to begin if your child is experiencing these symptoms. Fingers crossed it isn't a lactose/milk thing (even though I have currently gone dairy free). I feel like since he still seems to be in pain, then it's reflux. We got a prescription for Zantac. Hoping that it helps! Stay tuned...


PS How fortunate am I to have such a cute and thoughtful husband to write me this note? :)


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