Cape Cod BEACH time!

Conor and Caden seriously love the beach and the sand and the ocean. They are so calm and play together really nicely. We brought them to the beach on Saturday and again on Sunday and they had a blast.

I mean, is he not having the time of his life?!

We also thought it was time to pull out their little toddler beach chairs. I love that they are covers on them - especially since they don't always keep their hats on. It's nice to give their heads a little breathing break.

Trying to see the airplanes! It's so bright!

When we brought them down to the water, they started out holding Jim's hands. They couldn't wait to run right in...especially Conor.

Then we switched. I got overwhelmed quickly lol.

On Sunday, I brought them to the beach by myself while Jim was building our new shed for the Cape house. There were only a few minor issues with kids running into the parking lot and down to the water - but considering I am the size of a whale, I think I handled it pretty gracefully. :)

Mom and Cay (little did I know that Caden was coming down with the same head cold as me at this point...)

Mom and Con (same goes for Con...lots of sneezes and bad runny nose. They were up ALL night. Poor guys).

They played so well, too! 

While the boys were in bed (trying to sleep...), Jim and I enjoyed this amazing meal outside. I can't take any of the credit though. We ordered one salmon dish from the Black Cat in Hyannis, and I made the caprese salad with garden fresh veggies to go alongside the salmon. It was so fresh and delicious. It hit the spot. And I LOVE these plates from my second cousin Jessica - for my bridal shower over 6 yrs ago! I actually packed them up to bring back to my house so I can use them more.

Now we are trying to get back into the swing of things. The boys are taking a nap and then we have early intervention later. Then we get to see Shay and Kyle for dinner! :)

All for now...



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