It Takes a Village...

Happy FALL everyone! 

I am ready to move on with a new season. I had an emotional summer with the birth of my first nephew and lots of other highs, as well as a few lows. Before moving on, I want to send my condolences to my sister in law Lindsey and her entire family for the loss of Lindsey, Kelly, and Matt's Dad, Don.  He was a wonderful man and my heart breaks for them. He was an amazing Dad, Husband and proud Papa. We are so fortunate he was able to meet baby Charlie. My prayers are with all of you. 

Moreover, I want to wish both my parents a very happy birthday. It is a hard time to celebrate, but I wanted to express my gratitude and appreciation for them a little extra this year for so many reasons. As I said, it was a very trying year - there was a ton going on. Not only am I grateful for my parents, but I am also thankful for my husband, my sister Chrissy, Lindsey (her whole family), and my in laws as well as many many friends who have helped and supported and listened to me vent this year. THANK YOU EVERYONE. 

I want to especially thank my parents because it is my Mom's birthday today and it was my Dad's birthday yesterday. 

I love you both very much and I am so fortunate to live nearby for you to be such a big part of my life and my sons' lives as well. We are very lucky to have you. I am keeping it short and sweet, but I wanted to share a few fav pictures of them with the kiddos over the last year or so. Enjoy!


Happy Birthday Mom and Dad!! Love you!



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