Happy JUNE!!

I can't believe yesterday was June 1st.

2014 is flying by...it's already half over. That can only mean one thing....our favorite week of the year is right around the corner!!! In fact, just yesterday Jim and I were solidifying our Cape Cod Fourth of July plans.  We head down the Cape each Independence Day with a pretty solid group of friends. We take part in beach festivities, BBQing, fireworks and flunkyball. If you have to ask what flunkyball is...well, here's a quick screenshot from 2012.

This year will be our eighth annual Fourth of July and we couldn't be more excited to share the fun with Conor and Caden. Jimmy and I have said time and time again that we don't want our lifestyle to change or change who we are because we have children. This was some great advice given to me by Kiley a few years ago. She and her husband Ryan were so good about hanging out, going to happy hour, getting mani/pedis and even throwing some epic parties of their own (pig roast, chili cook off, etc). In short, life doesn't have to come to a halt simply because you have a baby - or two. :) It will of course be a bit different this year, but we can have fun in so many different ways. We are just thrilled to see our MA friends and enjoy the "Cape Cod air".

Back to reality for now - here's how I have been spending my days. Last week was my first full week by myself with two kids since my mom and sister have headed back to Boston. Jim really made a solid effort to come home early, and he is even able to work from home on Fridays in case I need a helping hand or if he needs to run out and grab something for me and the boys (usually a Dunkin Donuts decaf iced coffee).

They are becoming more and more alert each day, staying awake for longer periods and of course getting bigger, too! They are so sweet and developing their own personalities. Conor is a bit more demanding when he is hungry, whereas Caden is a bit more laid back. But after feedings, Conor tends to be a bit more independent and Caden is a little fussier. All in all, they are both so fun and adorable. I love them both so much.

Often times they are super stubborn and won't nap during the day. I'm all, "come on guys, you are three weeks old...how are you NOT tired?!". In fact, tomorrow they will be four weeks old.  

Yesterday, the four of us went for a walk around the neighborhood and the pool area. After that, C & C took a quick snooze and Jim and I were able to enjoy a bottle of wine and some cheese/grapes on our deck. It brought me right back to our days in Cali. ;)  Here are the boys enjoying the walk. It was gorgeous out this weekend.

We took this picture this morning. Our room tends to be quite darker during the day which makes it easier for the boys to nap. We all rested in bed and took a little snooze..they are still snoozing as we speak.

Stay tuned for more adventures of Conor and Caden. By the way, I discovered yesterday that A + B = C squared! ;)



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