Back to School.....NOT

This year is the first year in a long time that I am not starting classes this month. It is weird not having to buy books, check my schedule and drive up to Malibu to start it all up again. Another reference to the title of my blog, "Shaz by the Sea" are my colleges. I went to undergrad at Endicott College which is on the ocean in Beverly, MA. And as I mentioned in previous posts, I just graduated from Pepperdine University, which is in Malibu, CA.

Here's a comparison photo of both my schools:

Instead of starting up school, I have been spending a lot of time outdoors. Fortunately, this month's weather has been amazing in SoCal. We had a cooler summer than usual and everyone has been waiting for that serious beach weather, bro. The sunsets over the past weekend were just spectacular, so I had to share a few pics:


In addition to the beach time and serious volleyball crushing, I have also been running outside a lot more than usual. As I mentioned in my Feb post, I am not an avid runner by any means, but I have been quite enjoying it lately. Here's a pic of me running on Venice Beach, photo cred to Jimbo. I have been using the "RunKeeper" app which I really like, because it not only tracks the route that you are running, but it also times your runs and gives you an update periodically while running -- no checking your watch or anything. It's all automatic. Another great feature is you can add your friends so you can be held a little more accountable for your workouts. Thanks to my friend, Nicole for introducing and pushing me to run further and further each day! Thanks! :)

Anyway, off to spend more quality time outside....



  1. The beach pictures are amazing!!!! I love the one of you running. Fun reading your blog, I just bookmarked it :)

  2. The last pic is definitely how I like to spend my time outdoors! :)

  3. Love your blog, Shaz!! :) I wish I wasn't going back to school this fall either haha. Keep running... I'm coming out there for the Napa to Sonoma Half Marathon in July, it'd be fun to see you!


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