Changes are Happening

June held some considerable changes this year...some of them challenging, but certainly hopeful and for the best.  Some of our best friends in LA moved to Cincinnati to pursue new careers and be closer to family. And towards the end of the month, one of my best friends got married back in Boston.  I was very honored to be a part of their wedding day.

To start, Kiley and Ryan are some of our best friends.  We met them one day moving in to our condo complex in Marina del Rey and they lived a few doors down.  We initially became friends because I was quite jealous of their interior decorating ability.  Our place had hand-me-down furniture and boxes everywhere, and their place was simply stunning.  We hung out a few times and then we became really close.  Kiley was pregnant with their first baby, Leiya and then they had Colton almost two years later.  Those two little kiddos are some of the greatest kids.  And I miss them all so much!  Happy for them to be moving on to bigger and better things near their families in the midwest. Hoping to see them soon. :)

As for my friend Julie...she got married towards the end of the month and it was SUCH a fun wedding!! We had such a blast getting ready together and both the rehearsal and wedding were amazing. I had such a great time.  Immediately following the wedding, we went down the Cape to spend our favorite week of the year down in Cape Cod, MA!

Congratulations to everyone in their new endeavors! Such an exciting time for all. :)


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