Happy Birthday Jimbo! Coronado Visit

Jim just celebrated his 29th birthday on October 2nd.  He was in class until about 10PM that night, so my friends Sarah and Nicole came over for a girls night.  We made yet another spaghetti squash dinner with veggies and enjoyed an evening of #sobertober.  Sarah is running in the Big Sur Half Marathon next month, so she wants to refrain from drinking for the next 4-6 weeks.  Nicole and I are big supporters (and great friends) so we are joining her in sobertober. It has surprisingly been great. I feel refreshed and have a bit more energy than usual. I am quite enjoying myself. :)

Instead of celebrating with Jim on 10/2, we decided to road trip down to Coronado (an island off San Diego -- think MV to Cape Cod). We left early Saturday morning and stayed one night.  It was simply gorgeous. We spent a ton of time outside going on runs and enjoying the view. We even stopped by the Stone IPA Brewery with some friends. We can't wait to go back!


The Marriott in Coronado had an amazing firepit with a sweet view of the skyline. We enjoyed a few cocktails while we watched the sun go down. It was so relaxing and very much needed. Jim just registered for the Patent Bar exam on 11/13/13 so a little R&R is exactly what he needed. He takes the actual CA bar exam the last week in February. Good thing we soaked up a little of this before all that happens....

Bye Bye Coronado...!  Maybe next visit we can hop on one of these boats! :)

We stopped at Camp Pendleton to visit the ONLY Dunkin Donuts in the state of California!!  We were SO excited...until we got to the door and noticed a sign that read "system shutdown" for a few hours.  I was so mad that in my mind, I read "government shutdown" and complained for about 45 minutes. Then Jim decided to tell me it had nothing to do with the government, their computers just stopped working. Hehe woopse. :)

Til next time.......


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