Soufflés for Days, Folks!

Merry day after Christmas, everyone!! I had a great Christmas -- and hope you all did, too. This year was very memorable, because Jimmy and I were able to Skype with our families, open our gifts to each other, spend time at the beach and then open the big GENDER REVEAL! Check out the "A & B" tab for more info on their production.

Below are a few pics of us FaceTiming with the Callahans and Phelans on Christmas.

The weather here has been beautiful all week. We spent both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at the beach. We saw a few gorgeous socal sunsets, and made some fun beachy Christmas memories. Shout out to Rock for having us over.

Christmas Eve:

Christmas Day:

I was trying to think of a creative brunch to have on Christmas morning and I came up with a soufflé idea. Last year, Jim and I spent Christmas Eve with the Alexy family (& their amazing chocolate martinis). Kiley made a wonderful ham and egg soufflé on Christmas morning! So basically I stole these ideas from her. This is us opening presents Christmas 2012. Placemats!!!!! Haha.

I opted for one savory ham/cheese/egg soufflé and one sweet chocolate/nutmeg/cinnamon soufflé which was quite similar to a bread pudding. I crumbled up a six 5-inch croissants into two greased pie dishes (each). Here are a few pics.

I poured my egg mixtures over each dish and made sure that the croissant pieces were submerged in the all the yummy flavors. I tossed in some dark chocolate morsels in the sweet dish, because the recipe called for chocolate croissants.
I then cooked them for about 40 minutes on 350 degrees (covered). They came out great! Brunch and dessert all done in one quick swoop.

It was quite a delicious Christmas brunch. And we have leftovers for the rest of the week, too. :)


  1. I would die for a bite of those souffles, (is that how you spell that?!!) yummy! So many great memories last Christmas. Cheers to You and Jimbo for waking up on Leiya and Colton's schedule that morning. Just made that afternoon nap that much better.
    Like your idea of a sweet chocolate option. You know how I always love those chocolate croissants from any bakery.
    Hope you continue to feel good Mommy! What do you guys have going for New Years?
    PS My BLOG (that you inspired me to do) will "launch" Jan 1. HIP HIP HOORAY!

  2. Kiley! I figured you would like the chocolate souffle!! I loooove me some chocolate croissants and this was GOOD...especially with some decaf coffee haha. I can't wait to start reading your blog! Ahhh the suspense is killing me! :) We are hosting yet another Phelan NYE party at the WestEnd. We shall see how long I last! You guys? xoxo


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