The Big Gender REVEAL!


Jim and I are absolutely over the moon about our twin boys arriving this May! We are both sooo so happy and excited. It really hits home for us, because Jim's grandmother Mary had twin boys during her first pregnancy (yup, it all makes sense now). I have to be honest and say that from day one of this pregnancy, I have said that we are having two boys.....

On a personal and rather sentimental note, I feel there are several commonalities between Mary and Paul (Jim's paternal grandparents) and Jim and I. Jim is a lot like his grandfather in many ways, which is a huge compliment. For example, Jim and Paul are/were very hard workers, dedicated husbands/sons/brothers, both love the cape and bought homes there while they were young, both extremely forward thinkers and planners when it comes to finances, family and just life in general. Oh and they both married pretty awesome ladies. Hehehe. Ok, I am kidding, but Jim's grandmother is seriously awesome.

Here's a pic of Paul, Mary, Theresa and I in maybe 2006-ish.

I also found this gem going down memory lane at Irene and Tom's 25th Anniversary. I think this was maybe 7 years ago? Man, I am not great with the dates of these pictures. But they are great.

Alright, focus. Back to this big gender news....Jim and I saved the most important present for last yesterday.

My friend Nicole wrapped up the genders in the most adorable way and we recorded us opening it to watch down the road. We cannot thank her enough for the effort and thought she put into our two little boys.
And another huge 'thank you' to Lindsey for the most adorable pair of Sperrys I have ever seen in my entire life. Can't wait to get these boys strolling around Cape Cod so they can wear them! :)

Thank you ALL for the support and sharing in the excitement of these two blessings with us! We can’t wait to meet the little dudes whenever they decide to arrive...hopefully May 2014.

Love love love,
The Phelan Family


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