Travelin', Cookin' & Bakin'

I just got back from a fun vacation in Los Cabos last weekend! I went to an all inclusive resort with my besties Sarah and Nicole. We had SUCH an amazing time. We were nicknamed the party girls by the hotel staff there. It was so funny. Our flights were short and sweet, and everything went very smoothly. Here's a pic of us on a little boat tour near the arch in Cabo and another pic of us at Lover's Beach.

Now that I am back in the states, I am in full fledge Christmas-prep mode! I started cooking a lot again (now that I can stomach most smells) and even baked a mixed berry pie today. I included a lot of photos in this post because there was so much to talk about!

To start, I was craving pie. I really wanted a blueberry pie (or maybe A and B really wanted blueberry pie) but the blueberries weren't on sale at the market. They were each $4 and I needed about 3 containers. I couldn't even think about spending $12 on blueberries alone, and was happy when I remembered I had some frozen mixed berries in the freezer. I typically use them for smoothies. Anyway, they did the trick. I used this simple blueberry pie recipe online. 

Here a few pics of me baking in doesn't happen too often. I started out with my pre-made pie crusts to save time, tossed in my berries and then covered them with the sugar, flour, lemon zest and cinnamon. It was so easy!

I then figured I should make some din din because we can't have pie for dinner (sadly). I decided on some chicken parm because I haven't made it in a while. I started with all my ingredients, including three different dishes of flour, egg wash and breadcrumbs. I tenderized and flattened all the chicken breasts and then dipped them in the assembly line of flour, egg wash and breadcrumbs, and dropped them in a piping hot sauté pan with olive oil.
Here's how it went...smash smash smash:
I didn't get a picture of the four and egg wash unfortunately...but here's a pic right before it went into the pan.

And here are a few pieces after the cooking was done.

I threw them on a baking sheet on top of aluminum foil, added sauce and mozzarella cheese, and popped them into the hot oven since the pie was just in there...for maybe 6-8 minutes or so. I tasted the chicken already and it came out AMAZING! It's super thin and crispy. It's the only way I will eat chicken parm.

Oh, I almost forgot! Here are a few current holiday photos of the Phelan residence. Jim set up the lights while I wrote out the Christmas cards. We also bought a few pointsettias and a wreath which I decorated myself. :) Happily preppin for the holidays! 

Happy travelin', cookin' and eatin' everyone! Love this time of year!!



  1. 1. Love the Cabo pictures and discussion (obvi)
    2. LOVE the wreathe, it's beautiful just like you
    4. I can't wait to try your mixed berry pie someday….


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