It's The Little Things...

Happy Valentine's Day and President's Day weekend everyone! And cheers to a long weekend...much needed here in the Phelan household. We have been so busy running around that it will be nice to sleep in on Monday and not have to commute to the office.

Here's a shot of me at about 8AM this morning in the garage of my condo -- I am almost 27 weeks! A pretty decent milestone in any pregnancy. I am, however, measuring about 35 weeks, so people at work are surprised I am still there each day.

One of the main reasons for starting my blog was to refocus and concentrate on what is most important in life. I wanted to focus on the positive things and help others do the same. I feel like I have been somewhat successful at that these past few months, yet I haven't made a specific effort to blog about it. So this post is designated to just that -- here's to the little things (and arguably, the best things).

I will start out with Valentine's Day. I am not typically one to instagram a pic of all the flowers or chocolates Jim bought, or brag about where we were headed for dinner. I think it's nice to keep things intimate, and to keep things between us. I have always felt that way. I am a firm believer in doing things for each other to make one another feel good...not to boast about it on facebook so people think you have a fabulous life or a great relationship.

I prefer writing my experiences in my blog, to act as a journal to document all great things that happen day to day -- not as a bragging board to see how many "likes" I can get. For example, Jim thoughtfully bought two dozen red roses and it was really sweet. Not to mention, they add a colorful, personal touch with showing the house. It is actually great timing for our first open house tomorrow.

I played around with my new camera and took some fun, artsy pics. :)

Now on to other fun things happening today. What's better than throwing a party-of-one for yourself? Haha ok mayyybe a party with friends, but I decided to whip up a little avocado dip and pour myself a fun festive drink on this long weekend. I cut up some fresh limes, because there really isn't anything more refreshing than freshly sliced fruit. They also make any drink more fun, regardless if there is booze in there or not. ;)

I then drained and rinsed some white beans (low sodium option) and sliced up an avocado. I put them in my "magic bullet" cup with a little water, fresh lime juice and EVOO. Gave the concoction a few little mixes and bam -- freshly made avocado and white bean dip.

I paired it with some plain Stacy's pita chips and my "mocktail". I'm not going to lie, I loved taking pictures, sipping a fun drink and concocting a little appetizer/dip. These are the little things that make me very happy. :)

I of course opted for our monogrammed "JPS" champagne glasses to celebrate this being the second to last weekend prior to Jim being DONE with the bar exam!! Only one more weekend of attempting to entertain myself. Yay!


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