Twin Baby Shower!!!

I've been AWOL these last few weeks, but with good reason.

A few weeks ago, I flew back home to Massachusetts for my baby shower and it was such a fun trip. As you may remember, I was nervous about the flight, but it ended up being just fine. American Airlines accommodated my pregnant self and gave me a seat closer to the front of the plane with extra legroom. Shout out to American!!!

It was so nice to be home for a solid week. I saw some family before my shower, like my grandparents and my cousin Jodie and her kids. I was able to see several friends and meet little Miss Tori Bosch! I am glad I did that because the shower was a whirlwind and I didn't have much time to talk to people one on one.

I was also fortunate to see one of the most beautiful snow "storms" I think I've ever seen in Boston -- while my sister and my friend Kiley and I spent some time on Newbury Street for lunch. The snow flakes were so huge and it was beautiful.

Check out this snowy scene at Boston Common.

One of my favorite things about being home is being able to spend time with my little doggie. She is so sweet and amazing company.
It also happened to be the weekend of my 29th birthday. Jimmy sent these flowers to my parents house, so sweet! :)

As for my baby shower -- it was awesome. I really cannot express my gratitude to everyone enough. I seriously feel like the luckiest person in the world. Not only do I have the best husband and two adorable little cherubs arriving in a few months, but also the most amazing sister, family and friends. I really don't think I could have a more supportive and generous group in my life. I mean how and why did I get SO lucky??
Here are a few of my favorite shots from the day. My stunning cake done by Nicole at "Sweet Garden Cakes" - check her out on facebook!
Here are the prego Callahan cousins!! Me, Jessica and Jen. There will be 2 boys and 2 girls due within a month or so of each other. Guess what they are having?! ;)

Me and my sis! <3 br="">
Kiley flew in all the way from Cincinnati!!!

A little photo collage to show the gray/yellow theme. What a great day...

And don't worry everyone -- Barbie and Frank (my parents) have their nursery already set up for A and B! What excited first time grandparents. Hehehe they are so cute.

All for now, I have to go unpack all of the baby clothes and baby gear!!!! Tons to do ahead. :)
Shaz, A and B



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