Beefsteak Pizzaiola with the Condons!

Jim and I have been staying with the Condons since Sunday and each night they prepare amazing homemade meals. Tonight, they made Beefsteak Pizzaiola. It's a steak and pasta dish with a red sauce that has green peppers and minced garlic -- YUM.

This blog post is near and dear to me because it sounds like this recipe has been in the family for years. Apparently Grampa Callahan LOVED this dish. The book below was given to my Grampa ("Frank") from Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Charley. Charlotte and my Grandmother "Mama Rita" were sisters. I love family history like this!

Here are Joyce and Den with the book, "Leone's Italian Cooking" - referring to the restaurant in New York in the song 'Movin Out' by Billy Joel. 

And here's the recipe for the dish.

  • 2 1/2 Pounds of Tenderloin Steak (Aunt Joyce recommends the London Broil)
  • 1/4 Cup melted butter
  • 2 tsp Olive Oil
  • 2 Garlic cloves, mashed
  • 2 Medium green bell peppers
  • 1/2 Cup peeled tomatoes
  • 1 tsp dried oregano
  • 8 Sprigs of parsley (or basil) 
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • 1 oz Salt Pork
For those unfamiliar, salt pork is salt-cured pork. It is prepared from one of three primal cuts: pork side, pork belly, or fatback. Depending on the cut, respectively, salt pork may be lean, streaky or entirely fatty. You can read the rest of the page for the entire recipe.

Here's a pic of the chef cooking the big meal...and also drinking a Stella. 

Appetizer plate.

Here's a pic of the fabulous sauce.

Uncle Den giving everything one final stir before he serves the food.

The weather all day was perfect, so Uncle Den planned to grill the steaks outside. As soon as he was ready to walk out there, there was a huge he cooked them in the broiler instead. They came out great!

The dinner table...

Uncle Den slicing up the steak for easy plating.

Dish number 1! Looks great.

My scrumptious dinner...I ate every single last bite.

And look at the guest of the year over here...helping out with the dishes. He's a "whatta guy!"

Love the east coast already!!


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