Being a Grown Up...

Jim and I decided it was officially time to be grown ups and invest in a real car.

We knew we needed an SUV so that both car seats could fit inside safely and with room to spare. Between my jeep wrangler and Jim's ford ranger truck...we needed a serious upgrade. After months and months of research, we opted for a 2014 Acura MDX. We wanted the three rows of seating, all wheel drive and the tech package.

Those amenities will be nice when we have visitors in town, or when we drive up north for the holidays.

Here are a few shots of the car; it looks really pretty with the sun setting last night.

And the beautiful, spotless tires that don't have a touch of dirt on them....we honestly didn't even want to drive it.

The sales guy, Tony, took our picture...first (and second) family photo in front of the new car! Haha

Jim was SO super stoked. He was like a little kid on Christmas morning.

When we drove the car off the lot, it had 9 miles on it...and we forgot to take a picture. So you bet that we pulled over and took a picture of the odometer as we were driving home. I GUESS 11 miles isn't that bad. ;) Sure beats my 120K on the jeep.

We got the all wheel drive, technology package which will definitely be useful on those road trips to MA! Look out we come!!! Can't wait. Oh and Katie P - I have heated seats for the first time ever. I am ecstatic about them. :)

And here is what our Saturday is looking like...Jimbo painting the nursery and me blogging away about our first few weeks here in DC. Can't complain. We are supposed to receive our household items from LA on Monday, so we should be setting up the nursery this week and into next weekend. More pictures to come!!


  1. A 2014 Acura MDX is nice change from your jeep and your husband’s ranger. While those cars come with excellent road performance, you’ll also want something sleek and luxurious to drive for special occasions. The Acura is a great choice for that. Cheers!

    Diane Wilson @ Fletcher Chrysler Products


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