MdR Celebratory Brunch

Last Sunday, we had a celebratory brunch in the marina for Jimbo. He finished the bar exam and we needed to seriously celebrate. One of his only requests was to head over to Shanghai Reds (now renamed Whiskey Reds) to have bottomless mimosa/champagne buffet brunch. 

Now, I've blogged about this place before, but it's awesome if you want to eat nonstop and drink TONS of champagne. Here we are indoors, since it was kind of rainy outside. Rocko was the first to arrive...then we had a few more peeps show up. It was such a great day.

Jim and Shaz (me drinking strictly OJ of course)

Collin and Sarah :)

Patrick and Nicole :)

Jim's chocolate cake

The big group, post stuffing our faces...

After we ate and drank a bit, we noticed it was absolutely beautiful outside, so we decided to sit on the patio and enjoy some vitamin d (and more champagne). Here's a decent belly shot -- I am quite massive these days. The weather was really gorgeous, so I am pumped we were able to enjoy one last brunch outside on the water.

Of course AFTER brunch, all Jimbo wanted do was play cornhole with Rock.  I only wanted to lay down and watch the Academy Awards. We compromised. I drove him down to Rock's, and then laid on the couch and watched TV there...haha I was tons of fun. Here they are, loving life.

The game was pretty serious at this point...

CONGRATULATIONS again to Jimbo and thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate his domination of law school and the CA bar! 



  1. Love these pics! Look how cute you are!!!!!! It's so great you are still out and about enjoying Cali while you're pregnant. So adventurous!!!!

  2. Congrats to you for surviving Jimbo in law school!!


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