Sister BBQ Weekend

After venturing up to the city to see the cherry blossoms, we came back to my place and were pretty hungry. We bought a few things at the grocery store, like veggies to make an avocado dip (I blogged about it a few months ago). The only difficulty was, I didn't realize that buying avocados would be such a struggle. They used to be everywhere in LA! Anyway, I also bought cherry tomatoes, red peppers, cucumbers, red onion and lemons/limes. We all loved it alongside our "grilled chicken".

So we had a little issue with the chicken. I don't typically use the grill very often - and now I know why. Chrissy was a champ and when we got home, immediately took the cover off and started it. However, the fire didn't seem like it was burning correctly and the whole situation quickly turned dangerous. Fire extinguishers were involved and it was scary. Needless to say, we opted to bake the chicken inside at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes. One had a greek flavor dressing on it, and the other batch had balsamic/olive oil and fresh lime juice. Both were great. We also sliced up a few fresh tomatoes, as you can see below. I've also really been into my fresh fruit-infused water lately. I made this one with strawberries and mint. Yum.

The next day, Chrissy and Lindsey wanted to try making their own beef jerkey. We bought the supplies while at the grocery store a few days before. Linds could probably explain in more detail what she did here, but she sliced the meat (best done if/when frozen because it's easier), seasoned it with sea salt, cumin, crushed red pepper, garlic salt, olive oil, and a few other essentials.

This is what I was doing while she was slicing up her jerkey...I didn't have the most comfortable weekend of all time. Apparently I'm still having contractions (no - not braxton hicks) and one of them was over 4 minutes long on Friday during my non-stress test. Here's hoping that A and B stay in there as long as possible. Fingers crossed everyone.

Before shot of the jerkey:

After shots of the jerkey:

Jim LOVED it! Thanks to Chrissy and Lindsey for the fun weekend. Chrissy - we can't wait til you come back over Memorial Day weekend. YAAAY!! Good luck at your half marathon Linds!



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