Site Seeing in DC!

We had a wonderful brunch on Saturday morning in Eastern Market. Jimmy and I used to love walking around Eastern Market when we lived here a few years ago. We decided to go to Tunnicliff's an old fav. :) We sat outside because it was beautiful out!

Happy early Birthday, T!!!  :)  4/22!

This freaken cake was GIGANTIC!

We walked through the flea market part of Eastern Market. There are some awesome vendors there. Jim bought a map of Massachusetts there from 1800. He liked it because it actually had Maynard listed on it, haha.

This little pup was just adorable...

Fun hats and iced coffees. :)

Classic Jimbo

My view throughout the day...haha.

We even met up with Liz and her fiance Bryan for mimosas!! :)  (Hi Liz!)



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