Memorial Day Weekend C, C & C!!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend, Everyone!

I had a fantastic weekend - my sister Chrissy visited from Friday morning to this morning, Tuesday. She was the biggest help imaginable, not to mention super fun company all weekend long. As soon as she landed on Friday, we grabbed lunch at Panera and then flew home asap so she could meet her nephews! 

Soon after, we went to have some professional photos taken of the boys. It was a long process, so thank goodness she was there to help. Here are a few pics, Conor first, then Caden:

On Saturday, Joyce, Dennis and Pat came by for a few hours. Joyce and Den had met Conor in the hospital, but this was the first time they were meeting Caden. I think Joyce has Caden here on the left and Uncle Den has Conor.

On Sunday at some point, Chrissy and I decided to give the boys their first bath. We have been doing sponge baths since they have come home from the hospital, so this was the first "submerged in an inch of water" bath. Caden tolerated it a bit better than Conor - highs and lows all around. :)

Auntie Chrissy made sure Caden was all snuggled up, nice and toasty. He loved it.

They ended up passing out shortly after their baths, and we took a cute pic of their little arms in the air - they were tired!!

On Monday night, Chrissy babysat the boys while Jim and I ventured in Old Town for a celebratory drink (& oysters) since he passed the CA bar. It was a fun night out. We were under strict orders from Auntie Chrissy NOT to talk about the twins the entire night, but of course we did. They are just awesome. :)

I hope you all had a wonderful, safe long weekend too! And of course, a huge thank you to those who have served, both past and present. THANK YOU!!!!


PS Flashback photo last year Memorial Day Weekend on the beach in SoCal. Keryn came to visit!


  1. Those boys!! Everyone looks so happy & I can't get over how cute they are. I'm so glad you guys got to go out and celebrate Jim's big accomplishment -- you both look gorgeous! So happy Chrissy came to visit you too :)

  2. loving the pics of the boys!!! Love the bath story. Kiley


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