August in MA

Conor, Caden and I decided to spend the month of August in Massachusetts visiting both Nana and Gramps Phelan in Cape Cod, and also Grammy and Grampa Callahan in Woburn. My mom recently had a few cortisone shots in her hands, so she had to take 8 weeks off from work. I thought it would be fun to hang out with Grammy while she rested up!

Look at my happy little three month olds!!! This picture was taken on August 6, 2014 in my old bedroom in Woburn. Conor left, Caden right.

And Caden left, Conor right!

We have been in MA now a little over three weeks - splitting our time between Woburn and Cape Cod. A few weeks ago, my mom and I visited Chrissy for lunch in Boston. We went around the Public Garden and the Common. It was such a beautiful day. I even visited the Boston office for my work! I was happy to visit with Milady and walk around the city. Here are a few favs from the day.

DADDY came back to MA and visited with us for the week. Here are the boys hanging in the den watching football.

One of our most favorite things to do is laying out in Grammy and Grampa's backyard. The fresh air is so nice, and we love seeing the trees move and listen to the birds chirp! The doggies are constantly barking, but that's ok because we love them.

Sometimes we even fall asleep!

Since we have been in MA for so long, we have been able to visit with so many friends and family. Here is a picture of our visit with Olivia and Ellie, as well as Patrick and Callie!

Conor, Ellie, Callie and Caden are all just a few days apart. The twins were born 5/6, Callie on 5/11 and Ellie on 5/14. Four babies in eight days. Incredible.

We were even able to meet Shay Shay and Kyle the other day...aka the soon-to-be Neffendorfs. They are getting married in under 6 weeks. The big day is 10/3!! Can't wait. Shay (Callahan) is going to be one stunning bride. :)  I must say - Mr Neffendorf was simply amazing with these kids. Caden wouldn't let him go!

We were also able to meet and hang out with our fav west coast friends Sarah and Nicole all weekend...but that calls for an entirely different blog post. Here's a sneak peek!
Stay tuned!!


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