Conor and Caden are Christened

We drove up from DC on August 1st and the boys were christened at the church we were married at in Woburn. It was such a nice time. Even though we wanted the boys to wear the gowns we were christened in, I wanted them to match. I bought the cutest little matching outfits (with hats and shoes to match!) on

All the guys...

Caden's Godfather, Derek (and my scary Mom)

Mommy and Daddy dressing the boys

Chrissy and Joey during Conor's baptism

Theresa and Derek during Caden's baptism

Proud Mom and Dad :)

The twins, the parents, the grandparents, the godparents and the great grandparents

We went to the Black Horse Tavern in Winchester. What a fantastic meal 

My mom ordered the cake! 

We were so fortunate to have such a beautiful day for their christening. It was a private ceremony, so it was a small group of about 15 people - and the boys were the only two who were christened. The luncheon after at the Black Horse Tavern was perfect. I highly recommend having group lunches there! We had great service and the dishes were delicious. Loved it!


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