US Capitol Tour!

A few weeks back, Jim and I were talking about how we should tour the US Capitol and the White House since we are back in DC. I didn't know how to go about doing that - but apparently all you need to do is send a letter to your Congressman/woman with your personal information. Sure enough, we received an email back with a date to go visit the Capitol - it was today, October 25, 2014. We went into the city around 9:30 this morning and our tour started around 10:30. We parked without a problem and ventured over to the Capitol Building. 

Typically, the building looks like this:

But it is currently under repair/renovation/construction, so it looks like this:

We walked into the Visitor's Center and breezed through security without a problem. It was very similar to TSA security, so I was nervous about the boys' formula and all their crap. I was pleasantly surprised with how easy it was and how excited the security personnel were to see Conor and Caden. Everyone LOVES twins!

Besides seeing some cool sculptures and rooms and statues, Jim and I both found this fun fact quite interesting. In the pictures below - we are both standing (separately) on the most central part of the District. Meaning, I am standing in NW, SW, NE and SE all at the same time. The city is all geographically based from the Capitol. So your address in Washington, D.C. is all centered around the Capitol building. For example, when we lived in the city in 2008, we lived in SE - if that gives anyone any perspective. 

And interestingly, right below that start is an empty tomb. George Washington was originally supposed to be buried right there under that spot - but things changed and he was buried at Mount Vernon. 

Candid shot of Daddy and Caden! The boys did great. SO many people kept saying we were troopers for bringing the boys - and others asked if they were always that good. (Between you and me - it helps when they take a nap on the way and you feed them right before). ;)

After the tour, we spent time outside on our favorite blanket. Check out the Capitol in the background!

We had such a fun time in the city - we can't wait to visit the White House next!

Happy Saturday week until Halloween aka when Chrissy and Lindsey visit!!  Here is a fun sneak peek of Conor and Caden's costumes! ;)

Shaz, Conor and Caden

Flashback photo: Here are me and Jim at the White House shortly after getting engaged in 2008.


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