"Thanks"-giving before Thanksgiving...

I wanted to take a minute (and dedicate a blogpost) to our nanny, Jackie. During this Thanksgiving week, I feel it's appropriate to send her a HUGE well-deserved thank you.

She has been truly amazing with Conor and Caden. They absolutely love her. Since I am unable to be with them on Wednesdays and Fridays, there are very few people I would want them to be with - and Jackie is certainly high on that list. As many of you know, I love my job and when we found out we were expecting twins, I figured going back to work was not going to be an option. And if it weren't for her, I don't know how I would've done it.

Not only do the boys love Jackie -- I can totally tell when she walks into the house in the morning and their little faces light up -- but she is SO great with them. Managing multiples isn't easy and she accepts the challenge happily. Jackie, ironically being a twin herself, is very familiar with babies and has a great multi-tasking ability. I am super impressed and very fortunate.

I am especially grateful for her sending pics throughout my workday. What Mom doesn't love seeing this???

It is also reassuring because Jackie and I have a few friends in common. My friend Suz used to play basketball with her -- and Jackie's sister Lauren is very good friends with Suz (Hi Lauren!!). That said, having that commonality really took the edge off the first few days I went back to work. I didn't have that 'stranger danger' feeling.

In addition, I must say that it is really nice to bounce ideas off each other like "Oh, when I put them down for naps, I do this :::great idea here:::" or discussions about how and what we feed them during the day. In short, I am very thankful for her and that is why I chose to write about her during this "thanks"giving week. ;)

And of course, I am ALWAYS thankful for these little nuggets. I just love them so much.

Shaz, Conor James and Caden Francis


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