Thanksgiving Recap & December in DC!

I wanted to check in and talk about what a wonderful first Thanksgiving the boys, Jim and I had in Massachusetts. We were quite tired from all the traveling, but it was real nice spending some quality time back home.

We started our long drive up north on Tuesday, November 25th by picking Jimbo up from work and heading straight up to MA. We arrived around midnight and woke up my parents, Zeta and Peanut out of a dead sleep, I'm sure. As my sister always says, we came in like a hurricane. It was mayhem. Bringing in baby gear, jumpers, suitcases, name it. I am sure my parents loved seeing the boys, because they were so so sweet when we arrived and half asleep. We then spent the day Wednesday baking and playing while Jim worked from home. It was a nice day. My friend Katie P came by and visited with the boys before she went to work.

And Lindsey's sister Kelly came over for a play date with Conor and Caden! So many visitors!!

We eventually made it down to Cape Cod the day after Thanksgiving. Before arriving, we made a stop at the Bosch's to see John, Suz and Tori. It was a fun day. We made homemade pizzas and had some like 1oclock. It was fantastic! Can't wait to see the Bosch clan again over Christmas.

When we arrived in Cape Cod, we were able to set up quickly from when we visited a month or two prior. Typically we have two twin beds in the second bedroom (for renters) and need to break them down to set up the pack n plays. Needless to say, this trip was a breeze! And it's ready for us during Christmas too...yay!

We even had some time to try on our snow suits and venture outside to make some snow angels.  Sleepyhead Conor was still napping, so Cay got some special Momma/Caden time outside! :):):)

This is how we spend our time outdoors now that it is chilly! They still love it though, I feel like they love the noises, the smells and the outdoor "feel".

Lastly, Auntie Cookie (Chrissy) made these adorable collages! Which one do you like better???


All for now,


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