9 months in..9 months out!

Conor and Caden turned 9 months old on Friday!! Here they are 9 months in this world....

And 9 months in my belly (38 weeks)...

To celebrate their 9 months, Daddy brought them to see Mommy at work! They were a huge hit. They definitely know how to put a smile on everyone's face...especially on a Friday afternoon. What better way to pass the time than snuggle with two cutie baby boys.

We then spent Saturday afternoon at the Chocolate Festival in Fairfax, VA. We ironically found no chocolate because the lines were too long. Instead, we found a fun place for lunch and hung out in the warmth inside.

Conor loving lunch:

Where's Caden???

I love Conor's reflection here. :)

Happiest baby B!!

They love playing together....I don't know what I would do if I only had one baby. They are the best playmates, friends and brothers. So lucky!

After the chocolate festival on Saturday, we drove over pick up some wine from Total Wine & More...our first family trip to the liquor store. Haha. It was surprisingly very eventful. Everyone loved the boys and we even had a free wine tasting...a tour of Tuscany! We had a blast. After that, we drove over to see Auntie Joyce and Uncle Dennis for a couple hours.

It was 61 degrees on Sunday in Washington, D.C....it was also something like 13 degrees on Thursday, so we have our fair share of cold too (no snow though, yay!). So we decided to drive into the city. We visited the Natural History museum and found this huge elephant...and then went for a run with the boys. Gorgeous day.

Our 9 month appointment is on Thursday...can't wait to see how much we weigh! In the meantime, here are our latest YouTube videos!!

Til next time...


  1. I love their hats!! I was with Nicole when she picked those out from the tiny town of Chefchaouen :)

  2. I LOVE their hats!! They fit great now and are nice and warm. :) How's the weather in morocco? And more importantly, how are you?!


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