A New Bosch/Phelan Generation...

The Bosch's came to visit DC this weekend and we had such an awesome time. We could literally sit in our living room for 5 days straight and have a blast. We didn't realize til this morning that Suz and I hadn't even left the house since they landed on Friday.

It was so adorable seeing the three of the babies interact and play together, since the last time they were all together was the summer...and real briefly over the holidays. They are so much older and playful now. And they are more and more on the same schedule with foods and schedules and bedtime. We loved it.

Conor and Tori were best friends. Con is usually very affectionate with Caden. Ever since they were teeny, Conor would always stare at Caden, look for Caden, laugh at Caden and give him kisses -- it's just the way he is. And this time he was giving Tori kisses. All three were playing and sharing toys - but Con had a special little thing for Tori. ;)

I think everyone's favorite activity/entertainment was the baths. We all crammed into the bathroom to watch the three of them in tub together...splashing and playing. We couldn't get enough! Tori loved bathing with her two buddies. It made for an eventful tubby time. :)

Here's Caden with me, Tori with Suz, and Conor with Jackie -- after their bath.  Conor looks HUGE! 

Then it was time for the kiddos to go to bed while I prepared a meal for the five of us. Myself, Jim, Suz, John, and Jackie. Jackie stayed with us and helped with the boys. She and Suz are good friends from HS so it was fun for them to see each other! 

Jim was so proud getting a pic of our "assembly line" but missed Tori's face ... haha you get the idea.

For dinner I made NY strip steaks and garlic shrimp with Israeli couscous, turnip, onion and eggplant sauteed together within garlic, EVOO and a peanut sauce. I started cooking all the veggies together prior to bedtime, so they were nice and softened by the time I cooked the steaks. We of course also had plenty of red wine and bread/EVOO on the side. Yum!
When the kiddos woke, they all played together in their jammies. What a way to start our day!

We had a wonderful weekend and thank Bosch and Suz for flying down with Tori. We know it isn't traveling with kids and we give them an A+ for the efforts and their willingness to visit. Thanks guys!!  Here's to a great week ahead! Looking forward to spending some time with the boys and then celebrating Easter!

Shaz, Conor and Caden

P.S. Here's a flashback pic of the three babies in August 2014 (Tori 7 months and C&C 3 months).



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