Visit with Grammy!

Happy 10 Months, Conor and Caden!

It's hard to believe this time last year Jim and I were settling in to a new life on the east coast. We just moved to DC and had two baby boys on the way. We transferred both our jobs, found a place to live, started seeing a new ob/gyn and resumed treatments out here at INOVA Fairfax (which coincidentally is right across from Jim's work at ExxonMobil). We had a ton on the way. I must say that we have come a long way since then and I couldn't be happier to Conor and Caden's Mom. They're the best.  

Here are a few fav shots over the last few days.....

Grammy came to visit this weekend.  She planned a trip down here because she was planning to watch them on Friday, 3/6 when I went to work. Turns out we had a huge snow "storm" in DC and her flight was cancelled Thursday night. She ended up flying in on Friday instead at 2PM and the whole plan changed. Grammy loved reading to Conor and Caden while she was here.

We of course had our monthly photoshoot - this time Grammy joined!

A few nights ago, I took part in my first Paint Nite in Arlington, VA.  I went with my friend Kristen - who I worked with at George Mason University, prior to my current job.  It was so fun.  I really wanted to paint a DC site because who knows how long we will be here.  This was the best one, the Jefferson with cherry blossoms!

How cute are these pics?? The one on the left is so typical "Caden and Conor" and the one on the right is like "thug life" hahaha. They're a riot.

 Here's to some warm weather ahead!  57 degrees today here in DC!

Sharon, Caden and Conor


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