Cherry Blossom Season!

Hi again!!  Here are some fav pics from our trip to DC this weekend.  There was a festival going on to celebrate the cherry blossoms...they were out and almost in full bloom!  The city was absolutely packed.  It was difficult to maneuver the stroller.  I am glad we visited though.  Fun family day.

Con's on the loose!

Don't worry though, Cay is going to get him!

Mama and Cay...

Conor is seriously into shadows lately -- in the house and especially outside.  He found my hand!

Mama taking in the beautiful day while Conor and Caden play together.

Dad and Con, and the Capitol Building....apparently there were shots fired there yesterday.  Situation all under control.

Dad and both babies!


Flashback pic to last year this time - Linds and I about to hop on our Cherry Blossom boat tour!


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