Con and Cay's first Easter!!

We drove up to MA last week for Easter. It was definitely an impromptu visit - but we are so glad we went.

We drove straight to the Cape from DC, and figured we would stop at a hotel in NY/CT overnight for the first time ever. Well, it was a disaster. We stopped in Rye, NY and used points at a local Marriott. They were super helpful and set up two pack n plays for the boys. Caden fell asleep but Conor would...not...stop....screaming. Conor is usually very relaxed and low key - he has always been my "easier" baby (Caden is very curious and into a lot of things). :)

Conor cried for almost two hours so we said forget it. We packed our stuff up and proceeded to Cape Cod, at 2AM. We arrived around 5AM and Irene thankfully watched the boys for a few hours so we could get some rest. Thank GOODNESS she took the day off and watched them. What a relief.

When I woke, I noticed the boys were fussier than usual and figured something was up. So long story short, they had the stomach bug/flu first, then head colds, Conor has an ear infection, and Caden had hives from the virus. What a mess! Conor is on an antibiotic and Caden took Benadryl. Once they were feeling a little better, we took the boys for a ride and enjoyed some dunkin donuts iced coffee at craigville beach.Jim is participating in the triathlon there this summer, so we checked out the route!

They loved checking out the house. They had not been down in the Cape while they have been mobile before! One of their favorite things was looking out the front door at all the "cars". (We are learning this word right now...).

They loved the exersaucer - especially since they had not seen this one since Christmas.

Then it was time to prep for Easter Sunday at my cousin Jodie's house. I volunteered to bring this trifle dessert. It is SO yummy and so easy. There are layers of chocolate pudding, cool whip, crumbled cookies, then chocolate pudding, crumbled brownies, cool whip, and topped with more cookie crumbles and nuts. I kind of made it up with what I had in the house. It looks really impressive (especially in my Mom's Waterford crystal dish) and it's simple to make. What a hit!

I had to make my mom and I little "taste-testers" to make sure it was good. ;)

Mommy and her boys on Easter. Nobody felt good. :(

On Monday, my friend Katie P and I took the boys to the local park and they LOVED the swings. Well, Caden loved the swings but Conor had an ear infection (although we didn't know that yet...), so he was a little more mellow.

Even though we were all sick, it was a fun visit home. I realized I had not been home for Easter in 8 years!! There was also surprisingly still a LOT of snow on the ground, but the temperature was nice.We took the boys for walks almost everyday - we even put them in my wagon that I used growing up.

Here's to our next (& FINAL) visit home! ;)

Shaz, Con and Cay


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